Pillars Prayer and WorshipPublic Information and EducationPastoral CarePublic Policy About Catholic Charities of Central Florida works to protect all human life from conception to natural death through every ministry. The Culture of Life Office seeks to transform and build a society where every human being is valued and protected. Human life is a precious gift from God; each person who receives this gift has responsibilities to God, self, and others; and society, through its laws and social institutions, must protect and nurture human life at every stage of its existence. This is accomplished through the practice of the four pillars set forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB): prayer, education, pastoral care, and public policy efforts. We educate and inspire people throughout the Diocese of Orlando to understand the truth about why and how we are created in God’s image of love as prescribed in Saint John Paul II’s encyclical Evangelium Vitae. In consultation with your parish pastor, the COL chairperson organizes and implements the efforts as called for by the Bishops’ Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities. Diocesan Resources The Culture of Life office has created a digital guide based on this pastoral plan to assist parish leaders in emphasizing Church teachings, fostering dialogue, and motivating action for the transformation of our culture. The guide aims to ensure that all life, from conception to natural death, is protected by law and embraced with love. Whether initiating a Culture of Life (COL) ministry in a parish, taking on the role of a chairperson, or having served in the role for years, this guide offers information and resources to unite and empower COL committees, enabling them to be more effective advocates for human life and dignity. Click here to access the Parish Culture of Life Guide. Contact (407) 658-1818 (x1085)cultureoflife@cflcc.orgSign up here to receive monthly Culture of Life Office communications! For requests regarding presentations on Advance Care Planning, Building a Culture of Life, or Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, please click here. Upcoming Event Join us for Catholic Days at the Capitol on February 10-11, 2026 in Tallahassee. Click here for more information and details about this annual event.