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The Bishops’ Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities calls for a “twofold educational effort” to both the Catholic community and to the general public.

This endeavor seeks to enhance comprehension of the sacredness of human life and seeks to raise awareness of the moral wrongness associated with intentionally taking the lives of innocent human beings, whether it occurs during the earliest stages or towards the end of life. Additionally, it underscores the Church’s mission to bear witness to and diligently serve the entirety of human life.

Catholic Community

“An ongoing, long-range, and intensive educational effort in the Catholic community can provide an understanding of the issues and lead people to conviction and commitment.”

Just as Jesus formed his disciples and commissioned them to go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature, we are grateful to those who participate in the Church’s teaching ministry for all they have done and continue to do on behalf of human life. We invite them in a special way to be leaders in this campaign to build a culture of life.

Encourage the involvement of your Catholic Community members, such as:

Priests, deacons and religious, who exercise their responsibility to preach the word “in season and out of season” (cf.2 Tm 4:2) in the pulpit, in other teaching roles, through parish programs, or through public support for pro-life projects.

Lay persons and volunteers, who through their charisms and unique responsibilities impact individuals and the broader community in a profound way when they assume roles of leadership in their parishes and in society.

Teachers in schools, religious education programs, youth ministries, campus ministries, and church-sponsored educational programs and agencies who provide factual information, moral teaching, and motivation to participants.

Parents who, through discussion of critical life issues within the family and by their example and guidance, teach and help to mold their children in faith and respect for all human life from conception to natural death.

All church-sponsored or identifiably Catholic organizations involved in adult education and sacramental preparation, whether national, regional, diocesan, or parish-based.

Catholic social service and health care agencies through their educational seminars and other appropriate programs, including efforts to publicize programs and services providing alternatives to abortion, post-abortion reconciliation and healing, and care for those who are terminally ill or disabled.

General Public

“It gives the issues visibility and prompts those who are uncommitted to reach a firm conviction.”

The primary purpose of an educational effort directed to the general public is the development of pro-life attitudes and the rejection of abortion and euthanasia. Even today, there remains a need for accurate information about these threats to life.

A public information initiative creates awareness of the threats to human life and human dignity inherent in abortion, research that destroys human embryos, euthanasia, assisted suicide, infanticide, and capital punishment. It allows people to see more readily the need to correct the situation by establishing legal safeguards for the right to life. It gives the issues visibility and prompts those who are uncommitted to reach a firm conviction. It helps to inform the public discussion, and it witnesses to the Church’s commitment to a long-range pro-life effort. Such an initiative can also bring to light information about abortion’s negative and often long-lasting impact on many women and others.

Any initiative that takes place in the public square should affirm the value of human life in the manner of its expression as well as the content, seeking to explain and persuade, while showing respect to all who disagree. It will take a variety of forms: for example, public statements and press releases; accurate reporting of newsworthy events and speaking with media representatives when such events occur; conferences and seminars on pro-life issues; development and distribution of educational materials; public relations and advertising campaigns; newspaper advertising; posters in local stores and community centers.

—U.S. Catholic Bishops, Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities

For requests regarding presentations on Advance Care Planning, Building a Culture of Life, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, or Human Trafficking Prevention & Online Safety, please click here.

Human Trafficking Task Force

Our mission is to engage, educate, and empower communities within Central Florida to prevent human trafficking, and to provide wholistic support to trafficking survivors.

Our ministry includes:

  • Human Trafficking Training Events
  • Awareness Outreach
  • Intervention Outreach
  • Support for Human Trafficking Survivors

Our ministry began in 2009 in response to the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops’ initiative to advocate for victims of human trafficking. We passionately join forces with community and government task forces in Central Florida including the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Coalition of Catholic Organizations Against Human Trafficking.

If you believe you are a victim of Human Trafficking or suspect an adult is a victim of human trafficking, please visit the National Human Trafficking Hotline website, or call 1-888-373-7888. If you suspect a child is a victim, please call the Florida Abuse Hotline at 1-800-96-ABUSEIf you are in immediate danger, call 911.

What is human trafficking?

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, moving or obtaining of a person by force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of involuntary servitude, debt bondage, slavery or commercial sex acts (U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security).


Florida ranks third in the United States for number of phone calls to the national human trafficking hotline annually (National Human Trafficking Hotline – Florida). Both labor and sex trafficking are often hidden in plain sight and occur in communities throughout Florida.

Trafficking can happen in any community, with those at greatest risk being members of vulnerable populations (Polaris Project). Victims are targeted for their vulnerabilities, including economic hardship, familial strain, and immigration status, and are often coerced through empty promises of financial stability, romantic relationships, and legal immigration opportunity.

We focus on two primary ways to end human trafficking. First, we seek to provide education about human traffickingEducation aids in both personal safety as well as vigilance for others in their contexts. A parent looking out for their teenager; a neighbor checking in on the family next door; an employee keeping an eye out for signs in their customers. Learning about human trafficking, what signs to look for, and practical ways to take action are key to combatting human trafficking.

The second way we work to end human trafficking is by addressing vulnerabilities in our communities. We offer a range of social services throughout our ministry, assisting those in need and addressing the vulnerabilities that are often preyed upon by traffickers. Services include food pantries, family stability programs, medical and dental assistance, and comprehensive refugee services. By addressing these vulnerabilities, recipients are less likely to seek such assistance from the empty promises of traffickers. We also provide such assistance to support human trafficking survivors, and by doing so reduce the risk of survivors becoming re-victimized.

How do I get involved?

Become Informed

Attend a human trafficking training. Contact us to learn about upcoming training events in your community.

Educate Others

Tell others in your context about human trafficking and how to take action. Host a training event at your parish, youth program, workplace, or other venues in your community.


  • Awareness Outreach: educate others about human trafficking by leading a training in your community, staffing an awareness outreach table at a local community event, providing awareness resources to community businesses, and other opportunities.
  • Intervention Outreach: go with a team to businesses in the community where trafficking may occur to provide “safe exit” information.
  • Do you have a particular strength or interest that you want to use to help end human trafficking? Contact our office and we’ll discuss the best fit for you!

How can I provide assistance?

If you would like to financially contribute to our efforts in educating and preventing human trafficking in Central Florida, click here to donate. Please select Culture of Life as your ministry support.



Diocesan – Magnify

Magnify works diligently to support individuals with disabilities to live independently in their community, develop life skills, and work toward competitive and self-employment opportunities.

FCCB – Abortion

Visit the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FCCB) latest news, resources, and advocacy efforts on life issues in our state.

FCCB – Death Penalty

The Catholic Bishops of Florida continue to urge our state leaders to reconsider the contradictory practice of state sanctioned murder to punish and deter murder.

FCCB – End of Life Care

The Catholic Bishops of Florida encourage the faithful to prepare for the unknown hour of death. The guidance provided will help to ensure that loved ones know our wishes if communication becomes impossible and that our care will be aligned with the faith we hold dear.

FCCB – Health Care

Visit the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FCCB) latest news, resources, and advocacy efforts on health care in our state.


Catholic Mobilizing Network

Catholic Mobilizing Network (CMN) is a national organization that mobilizes Catholics and all people of goodwill to value life over death, to end the use of the death penalty, to transform the U.S. criminal justice system from punitive to restorative, and to build capacity in U.S. society to engage in restorative practices.

Patients’ Rights Action Fund

Patients’ Rights Action Fund (PRAF) is a leading national, non-partisan single-issue organization that protects the rights of patients, people with disabilities, elders, and people who are poor from deadly harm and discrimination inherent in assisted suicide laws.

The National Catholic Bioethics Center

The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) provides education, guidance, and resources to the Church and society to uphold the dignity of the human person in health care and biomedical research.

USCCB – Catechesis with People with Disabilities

Catechesis with People with Disabilities – Create welcoming and accessible parishes using the information and suggestions from the experts at the National Catholic Partnership on Disability

USCCB – Pro-life Secretariat Office

The USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat office offers free downloadable resources, news, educational tools and information