“The law is not the only means of protecting life, but it plays a key and often decisive role in affecting both human behavior and thinking. Those called to civil leadership, as Pope John Paul II reminds us, “have a duty to make courageous choices in support of life, especially through legislative measures.” This is a responsibility that cannot be put aside, “especially when he or she has a legislative or decision-making mandate, which calls that person to answer to God, to his or her own conscience and to the whole of society for choices which may be contrary to the common good” (The Gospel of Life, no. 90).” —U.S. Catholic Bishops, Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities Important Reminders It is of utmost importance to emphasize that when discussing political affairs and elected representatives, only materials provided by the Diocese, the FCCB, or the USCCB should be disseminated within the parish. Prior to distributing any information, ensure that it has received approval from the Diocesan COL office, as it possesses the most current information from the Diocese regarding what is acceptable. For pastoral reasons, the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops has long held a policy against collecting petitions to amend the Florida Constitution in its parishes. This policy remains in effect. For additional election materials and guidelines, click here. Although materials from other pro-life organizations are permissible for personal use and gathering information, it is solely through the USCCB and the FCCB that we acquire information suitable for distribution within the parish. Not all organizations are 501(c)3 organizations, and even if they are, they may not necessarily be in alignment with the fullness of the teachings of the Catholic Church, which are rooted in scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Canon Law, and the Catholic Church’s status as a tax-exempt organization. The Catholic bishops of the United States issued the document, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, a teaching on the political responsibility of Catholics. Resources Local 2024 Florida Abortion Amendment Click here to read the statement from the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops in response to the defeat of Amendment 4 on Florida’s General Election ballot. Catholic Days at the Capitol Florida’s Bishops invite you to join them on February 10-11, 2026 to advocate for the recognition and protection of human life and dignity as lawmakers continue the important work of shaping Florida’s laws and future for the common good. Click here to learn more about Catholic Days at the Capitol. Florida Catholic Advocacy Network FLCAN is a statewide, online community established by the bishops of Florida that exists to connect, educate, and mobilize Catholics across Florida’s seven dioceses on public policy issues pertaining to life, dignity, and the common good. National Human Life Action Human Life Action sends out federal legislative action alerts on pro-life policy requesting grassroots action. We make it easy for you to stay on top of key pro-life legislative initiatives and to contact your elected federal representatives and other leaders with messages that build the culture of life and advocate for policy that protects human life and liberty. National March for Life National March for Life is an inspiring, peaceful, vibrant, and joy-filled rally of women, men, young people, and children from across the country. Every January, tens of thousands of pro-lifers converge on the National Mall and march on Capitol Hill on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. USCCB – Justice for Immigrants Justice for Immigrants: Uniting and mobilizing a growing network of Catholic institutions, individuals, and other persons of goodwill in support of immigration reform. USCCB – Take Action View current national action alerts and sign up for future alerts so that you can contact your elected representatives to express your concerns and opinions on upcoming legislation.