Phone Number: (407) 277-1938 Hours: 8:00am-4:30pm (Monday-Friday) Request Assistance Schedule an Appointment for Registration Locations: Catholic Charities of Central Florida – Main Office Who We Are Comprehensive Refugee Services provides care and compassion to eligible refugees living in Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties through programs designed to help them integrate into the community and achieve self-sufficiency. Eligibility for Comprehensive Refugee Services’ programs is determined by federal law and includes the following: Refugees who are forced to flee their home country due to persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution. They are granted status before they arrive in the United States. Cuban/Haitian entrants who enter the United States due to humanitarian reasons. Asylees who came to the United States seeking asylum protection and have been granted asylum by immigration asylum officers or by immigration judges. Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrants (SIV) who worked with the United States military helping with translation, interpretation, and other skills and who were granted special immigrant status. Certified Victims of Human Trafficking (VOT) who are foreign born victims of labor or sex trafficking in the United States. “We shall always insist upon giving a generous welcome to others which is at once a duty of human solidarity and Christian charity.” Pope St. Paul VI Family has a home for Christmas ORLANDO | Walande Casseus traveled to central Florida from Haiti two years ago seeking a safe haven, a new life and better opportunities. Though the challenges have been many, with the help of Catholic Charities of Central Florida, her hopes are still alive. Casseus sought Catholic Charities’ help when she was pregnant with her daughter in 2023. Her pregnancy was in jeopardy due to health issues. Awilda Wilburn of Comprehensive Refugee Services helped Casseus get Medicaid and proper medical care. She also helped her find housing, though it was a process. Read more here. Education English as a Second Language (ESL) is a free, 8-week English language learning program for adults with limited English skills. The classes are designed to help students learn how to read, write, speak, and comprehend in English. Students wishing to enroll in the ESL program are required to take the CASAS (Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems) placement test. Vocational Education is a free program for adults 18 years and older who have acquired the English skills necessary to begin a technical training program. Its purpose is to assist clients in meeting their educational and career goals. Clients can continue their education through certified programs offered by Orange Technical College–a partner of Catholic Charities of Central Florida. Case Management Case Management provides assistance to new-comers with referrals follow-ups to Adult Education, Legal Services, Youth , Mentoring , Child Care , and Employment Services (clients must have an Employment Authorization Document) and to community partners including: the Florida Department of Children and Families and the health departments in our tri-county zone. Tiered Case Management is provided to eligible refugees that requiring a greater level of services coordination to effectively resettled. Mentoring The Refugee Mentoring program provides assistance to eligible clients ages 15-24 to promote positive civic and social engagement and support individuals and vocational advancement thorough pairing volunteer mentors and mentees in a one-on-one setting or group mentoring sessions, once a week. Child Care Child Care services are provided to children of eligible refugee/entrants who are enrolled in Refugee Services-funded employment and adult education services. Refugee Health Promotion Refuge Health Promotion Services are designed to promote the health and well-being of refugees and other eligible population . They may include health education classes, medical/mental health navigation and support, and adjustment groups, skill building networks, and peer support meetings. Employment Services The employment services team helps clients get suitable employment based on their skills, education, transportation, and language and mediates between employers and employees. Clients are also provided with employability preparation such as job interviews and practice, mock applications, resumes, and translation services. Job coaching is also available to help them complete necessary paperwork—including assisting both the employee and employer with the I-9 form. Legal Services The legal services provided by the Comprehensive Refugee Services program include: applying for Employment Authorization Documents (EAD), applying for permanent resident status, and navigating other lawful-immigration pathways in achieving economic self-sufficiency. Youth Services The Refugee Youth Program provides assistance in addressing the educational, language, and employment needs of vulnerable refugee/entrant youth who may be at risk of dropping out of high school, not meeting high school graduation requirements, or are in need of alternatives to a traditional high school education, with an overall goal of employment and integration. The program provides guidance and assistance in accessing community and school resources to support the academic and career goals of refugee youth at risk during the fist years of living in the United States.